Books delivery from Deutsche22 is available internationally with FedEx, DHL and regional services. The price varies from $15 - $25, depending on the address.
The time and price may vary depending on the courier, as shipment is made by a third-party. Exact price will be visible in your cart on checkout.
For the products purchased in the store, no refunds are available, unless the product does not arrive within two months of ordering the item or arrives damaged. In both cases, please contact us with all the order details and photos of the products (if applicable) for more information for refunds. No returns will be accepted.
In the event of a no-show for any online course that was purchased on Deutsche22, no refunds will be available. However, missed lessons or webinars can be accessed on a different date. Please contact us with all the webinar details for more information.
In case any refunds are issued, they would be issued to the details indicated in the return application, or to the payment method with which the payment was made. Refund time depends on the entity that issued the card and may take up to 60 days.
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